Case Study 📚 How To Get 4 Figures Monthly Income From a Simple Blog

Meet Brianne, a woman with a dream to share her voice and make a difference.

Brianne had a passion for fashion, a knack for marketing, and a heart full of stories she yearned to tell.

But more than anything, she wanted to empower others, especially those who felt overlooked by the mainstream fashion industry because of their size.

She dreamed of creating a space where everyone felt welcomed and celebrated.

One day, Brianne decided to turn her dream into reality.

She took a bold step and started her own lifestyle blog.

Brianne envisioned a place where she could talk about building a successful blogging career, share fashion tips for plus-size individuals, and offer personalized coaching services.

It was her way of saying, "I see you, and you matter".

The journey wasn't easy.

Brianne poured her heart and soul into the blog, drawing from her experiences as a marketing professional who always had a soft spot for digital creativity and fashion.

Her path was also deeply personal.

Brianne embraced her identity as a plus-size woman and became an advocate for body positivity.

She wanted her blog to be more than just a collection of posts; she wanted it to be a movement that championed career success, fashion inclusivity, and personal growth.

As the blog grew, so did Brianne’s offerings.

As you’ll see in the case study, she introduced personalized coaching services, understanding that her readers needed more than just advice, they needed someone who could guide them, challenge them, and celebrate their victories.

Brianne‘s one-on-one sessions, webinars, and group coaching programs didn't just expand her brand; they created a community.

This community wasn't just about blogging; it was about finding a tribe of like-minded individuals who supported each other's dreams.

Brianne's blog became a guiding light for people who want to start blogging and love fashion.

Her story is a testament to the power of following one's passion and the impact of creating a space where everyone belongs.

And for those inspired by Brianne’s journey, there's a pathway to learn how she did it. At Max Business School, we have a free course that teaches you skills and knowledge similar to the ones that led to Brianne’s success and more.

Brianne’s story is just starting. Let's keep exploring the different parts of her changing story.

Case Study Analysis
(Available Free Until: 09/02/24)

What does this online business do? 🚀

Today, we will concentrate on a lifestyle blog that has generated a decent monthly income.

The blog is multi-faceted, as it educates users about how to build a profitable blogging career, gives tips about plus-size fashionable clothing and offers a personal coaching service.

It has skillfully merged three very different industries and entertained web viewers with very personal content.

Our objective will be to judge the effectiveness of the blog in relation to how it manages to drive traffic, secure a steady income and its marketing strategy.

How does this online business make money? 💻

The successful blog focuses on plus-size fashion and offers various packages, including online marketing, career consulting, coaching, and group classes.

It has two active websites that complement each other well.

One website seeks to inform website viewers about the latest fashion tricks, while the other has a stern approach to giving a service.

The blog generates income through selling Amazon products and Google AdSense

Another way it manages to make sales and earn is through its affiliate marketing program, whereby the blog makes a sale on behalf of other businesses to make a commission.

What has this business done well?🔥

  • Pinterest influence

This online business has a vibrant Pinterest account that has shareable posts about fashion and blogging.

This is a good way to reach out to frequent Pinterest users and gain brand awareness.

With 50% of Pinterest users being located in the United States, which is the blog’s main target market, new visitors are guaranteed especially with the right strategy.

In terms of reaching new audiences, the blog has displayed easy-to-access and easy-to-understand pins that are relevant to a specific market according to the blog’s mission.

  • Diverse service delivery:

This niche website has put together numerous ways to serve the needs of its active clients, which is a positive attribute, to say the least.

Its main service is to give helpful and very personal advice on how to be in tune with the latest fashion trends for women who are plus size.

Making a good approach to a specific target market, in this case, plus-size females who may or may not be interested in fashion wear, is indeed a wise decision as it has a large population and its a very common need.

We see very clearly how the blog’s content has a very important influential role through the 44,440 sessions, according to the blog’s last recorded income report.

Offering extra services on another website but still under the same name and mission, has brought a lot of success as well.

Here the blog created another blog offering specialized services of Online Marketing, career consulting, 1:1 coaching and group classes.

From giving valuable information about fashion to offering marketing and coaching services the blog is a worthwhile blog to revisit, because it basically has what most visitors are looking for.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

  • Reaching new audiences using Paid traffic:

The blog has a strong Organic approach to rank high over its competitors, however, the blog would be even more profitable by using Paid strategies.

According to data accessed by Semrush, the blog has no Paid traffic strategies. We also see that the blog has only been successful in the US which is another good reason to employ Paid services, to reach other places.

Its main focus has been on organic lead generation, and that has worked very well for its audience based in the United States.

With the blog’s helpful content, it could be dominating in other countries and demographics like the United Kingdom and Canada.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Target market: Your approach should be direct and serviced with the right content according to their individual intent.

  • Service delivery: Offer numerous services to increase the number of revenue streams and ways to service your potential clients.

  • Lead generation: Use organic search traffic at its best by designing content relevant to your specific audience and containing strong keywords.

  • Social media presence: Good use of Pinterest and Instagram to share blog content and gain an impressive fan base.

Brianne's blog is more than a business; it's a story of dreams, determination, and the beauty of bringing people together.

Make sure to check her websites: The Huntswoman & The Huntswoman Group

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Scott Max