Case Study👉 How YOU can make $3,379/Mo via Ads and Amazon Associates Program

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with International Intrigue

Hi 👋, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

Let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • A monthly profit of over $3,000

  • How to get a global audience

  • A guide to build your own business

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

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Elevate your understanding of the world's dynamics with International Intrigue. Crafted by former diplomats, this free briefing packs essential geopolitical news and analysis in a concise <5-minute read. Decode the intricate interplay of geopolitics, business, and technology. Don't be left out - subscribe to International Intrigue now and unlock a world of insights!

What does this online business do? 🚀

In today's newsletter, we're delving into the intriguing realm of a discreet online venture that's not just about laptops and finance but about optimizing your digital life.

This undisclosed business is quietly making waves, pocketing a commendable $3,379 per month in net profit.

So, what sets them apart?

They've mastered the art of guiding their audience through the maze of laptop options, tailoring recommendations based on unique needs.

But that's not all, this savvy business intertwines the quest for the perfect laptop with practical personal finance tips. It's not just about devices; it's about crafting a lifestyle that's both tech-savvy and financially astute.

Stick around as we unravel the secrets behind their monthly net profit and shed light on how they're reshaping the way we approach technology and personal finance.

How does this online business make money? 💻

Their financial engine operates on a dual-track strategy that seamlessly integrates two major revenue streams: ads and the Amazon Associates Program.


Picture this business as a virtual billboard strategically placed on the information highway.

By strategically hosting ads, they turn digital real estate into a lucrative income stream.

Clicks and impressions translate into dollars, contributing to their impressive monthly net profit.

Amazon Associates Program:

But that's not the only trick up their digital sleeve.

This business has harnessed the vast product universe of Amazon through the Amazon Associates Program.

As they guide their audience through the labyrinth of laptop options, each click on a recommended product becomes a potential paycheck.

It's a symbiotic relationship—helping users find the perfect laptop while earning commissions through the world's largest online marketplace.

In essence, this undisclosed business is not just helping users make informed tech decisions; they're turning each piece of advice into a financial win.

The fusion of ad revenue and affiliate marketing forms the backbone of their financial success.

It's a harmonious blend of technology guidance and strategic partnerships, steering them towards a commendable monthly net profit.

What has this business done well?🔥

The success of this undisclosed business is not just a stroke of luck; it's meticulously crafted, and every facet is a deliberate choice that propels them into a league of their own.

Appealing Design:

Firstly, the allure of their website is not by chance. Aesthetically pleasing and intuitively designed, their digital space beckons users to explore.

Why does this matter?

Because a user-friendly and visually engaging design isn't just a superficial concern. It's the gateway to a positive user experience.

When visitors feel welcomed and find navigation effortless, they're more likely to stay, engage, and ultimately, convert.

Multilingual Accessibility:

But this business doesn't confine itself to one linguistic realm.

A peek into Ahrefs' metrics reveals a global footprint, drawing traffic from countries not traditionally associated with similar websites in our case studies.

The ability to switch seamlessly between languages broadens their reach, making their valuable content accessible to a diverse audience.

In an interconnected world, linguistic inclusivity is not just a choice; it's a strategic advantage.

Diversification of Income Streams:

Beyond the realm of laptops and tech, this business has strategically diversified its income streams.

While their primary focus remains on guiding users to the perfect laptop and earning commissions, they've shrewdly ventured into the realm of "Personal Finance".

Here, affiliate links become pathways to additional income.

It's a savvy move, turning their expertise into financial gain on multiple fronts.

Content is King:

Behind the scenes, it's the quality of their content that forms the bedrock of their success.

A deep dive into Ahrefs' data unveils a staggering reality, over 29K monthly visitors hooked on their content, navigating through a landscape of 47,800 keywords.

This isn't just traffic; it's a testament to the resonance of their message.

In a world inundated with information, quality rises to the top.

Their well-crafted content doesn't just attract; it captivates, educates, and evidently, converts.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

Despite its triumphs, this business harbors untapped opportunities that could elevate its revenue and lead generation game to unprecedented heights.

Mobile Optimization:

First and foremost, addressing the mobile performance hiccup is crucial.

In an era where smartphones are the gateway to the digital world, Google's performance test is more than just a technical hurdle.

It's a reflection of user experience. Optimizing for mobile not only ensures a smooth browsing experience but also aligns with Google's ranking algorithms.

When your website is mobile-friendly, you're not just catering to a trend; you're meeting a user expectation, enhancing accessibility, and potentially boosting your search engine rankings.

Harness the Power of Social Media:

A conspicuous absence from social media platforms is a notable gap in their current strategy.

Social media isn't just a space for personal connections; it's a dynamic landscape for brand visibility, engagement, and lead generation.

Platforms like Instagram or Facebook could serve as vibrant channels to amplify their message, engage with their audience, and potentially open avenues for additional income streams.

Imagine the reach and resonance of their laptop recommendations and personal finance tips cascading through the social sphere.

Revamp Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons:

The color uniformity of their Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons may be subtly hindering their conversion rates.

A CTA button should be a beacon, not a chameleon.

Using a color that contrasts with the overall theme can make these buttons pop, directing user attention where it matters.

Moreover, the language matters.

A compelling CTA should entice action with clear, action-oriented language.

Instead of blending into their overall blue theme, these buttons should stand out, inviting users to explore, click, and engage.

The Reveal, check this online business out for yourself 👀

Unveiling the digital virtuoso that's not just a website but a powerhouse of tech wisdom and financial flair: SaltMoney!

Imagine a place where the quest for the perfect laptop meets the art of mastering personal finance, and you've landed on the shores of SaltMoney.

From its roots as a student loan guarantor to its vibrant present as a national nonprofit, SaltMoney is your passport to a realm where laptops aren't just gadgets; they're gateways to financial empowerment.

Powered by the nonprofit American Student Assistance (ASA), SaltMoney crafts a narrative where laptops find their soulmates based on your unique needs, all while sprinkling in personal finance tips that transform your journey.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Design for Users: Aesthetics aren't just for show; they enhance user experience.

  • Global Accessibility: Multilingual content broadens the audience spectrum.

  • Diversify Income Streams: Explore personal finance for financial resilience.

  • Content Quality Rules: Quality content captivates, not just attracts.

  • Mobile is a Must: Optimize for mobile—it's not a choice but a necessity.

  • Social Media Engagement: It's a goldmine for brand visibility and income.

  • CTA Pop: Revamp buttons for visibility and compelling language.

  • Seize Growth Opportunities: From mobile optimization to social media, each step is a stride towards sustained success.

Action Steps if you’d like to start a business like this… 👩‍💻

If you’re already up and running with an online business, keep with it and try to implement some of the lessons you might have found in this email.

You’ll learn all the fundamental skill to build an online income like the one we did a case study on in this email.

Here’s what to expect:

Week 1 - Fundamentals

In this week, you will establish a solid digital marketing foundation. The focus will be on personal branding, but the concepts apply to other business models as well. You will explore:

  • WordPress Website Development: Learn to create a professional and user-friendly website using WordPress, a powerful and widely-used platform for various online businesses.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Understand the basics of SEO to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites.

  • Web Analytics: Discover how to analyze website data using tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Week 2 - How to start a business

In this week you will delve into expanding the online presence and driving traffic to your website. You will get to learn about:

  • Email Marketing: Understand the importance of building an email list and learn effective email marketing strategies to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Dive into the world of paid advertising and explore techniques to run successful ad campaigns on search engines like Google.

Week 3 - How to grow a business

The final week will focus on harnessing the power of social media platforms for business growth. You will discover:

  • Social Media Marketing: Discover how to develop and implement social media strategies to engage with the target audience and build brand loyalty.

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: Explore advanced advertising techniques on these popular platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

You decide what's next! ⏭️

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Before You Go 👋

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Bye for now,

Scott Max