Case Study👉 How YOU Can Earn $20K/Mo Providing Financial Guidance

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with Bullseye Trades

Hi 👋, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

Let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • A thriving online business making a steady income.

  • Unique techniques enable this business to stand out in its niche and achieve success.

  • A roadmap to setting up your own business.

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

Bullseye TradesGet free daily HOT STOCK & Options trading ideas with real-money 💰 TRADE ALERTS from trading genius, Jeff Bishop

What does this online business do? 🚀

Welcome once again to another wholesome newsletter, that is focused on reviewing lucrative online businesses across the web.

Let us take a look at a thriving finance blog that is profiting close to 20K a term through various income streams and a host of proven marketing strategies

This blog has certainly tailor-designed its content to serve loyal clients and first-time visitors in the best way possible.

However, we will also outline some areas the blog can improve on to gain more traction and rank higher for relevant topics.

Be sure to also look out for our SEO metrics review of the website which will also educate you on the benefits of using a helpful tool like Ahrefs.


How does this online business make money? 💻

The blog has done very well to earn a constant income through affiliate marketing.

It has been reported that affiliate marketing has been its primary source of income in retrospect.

Affiliate marketing an eBook on bloggers

A substantial portion of the blog's monthly income, amounting to 78%, can be attributed to affiliate marketing.

This is primarily due to the blog's diverse range of content and eBooks that serve as effective tools to guide its audience towards making purchases.

Direct advertising interested online businesses looking to achieve specific advertising goals.

This proven revenue stream has earned the blog money and established business partnerships with external online businesses of different backgrounds

By strategically prompting external business owners to pay a fee based on their individual advertising goals.

Which range from brand awareness, email sign-ups, and reaching out to new audiences.

The blog offers this advertising service and makes the process of applying very direct and professional.

By simply displaying the option to contact the managers in the tab section which leads to a page with quantitative information about the blog.

These statistics serve to educate and convince the client of a potentially lucrative partnership based on traffic volume and demographic specifications.

What has this business done well?🔥

This part is an equally valuable part because it celebrates the unique attributes that make the blog a success.

From our analysis, we identified the following attributes.

The authority and credibility that comes with the blog’s name have certainly driven its success.

Specializing in a trending niche market, the blog demonstrates authority and credibility through its most popular posts.

Blog content

The blog has been operating for 4 years focusing on a single niche, which is not only impressive but also speaks greatly about its expertise.

With specific subject titles aimed at providing proven information on earning passive income through blogging, course programs and more.

Not to mention its blogging expertise, which is evident across the website.

So much so that the blog also coaches aspiring bloggers on how to begin a blogging career and scale it to 5-figure earnings.

We noted that the blog has displayed a well-structured approach to its content.

Healthy SEO practices and relevant keywords have led to its general success.

The metric below is a graph representing organic traffic from the blog's top pages.

Ahrefs metrics

The upward trend is a gradual rise in traffic volume.

This is made possible by ranking high for specific keywords and giving valuable commentary on relevant topics.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

Equally important are the points that the blog needs to improve on to drive more traffic, conversion rate and brand awareness.

Call to action buttons and phrases:

Much of its content lacks a sense of drive to motivate and encourage its readers to act on the valuable information learn through its material.

To better convert readers into local clients the blog must employ a more vibrant approach.

By strategically placing Call-to-action buttons that stand out with distinctive font and bright uniform colour.

Good choice of words and phrases is the determining factor of a button click.

Above is a resource to research proven CTA examples that entice readers.

Despite maintaining a highly populated email list and website visitors having a CTA button for various blog activities would be beneficial.

Especially for email subscriptions, course programs and/or digital product sales that are hot on the market.

Having multiple streams of income:

In this newsletter, we noted that the blog has earned a consistent 20K average from the affiliate market and advertising, which is very admirable.

Despite the admirable income, the blog must explore more avenues to earn extra cash.

The main reason for having additional streams of income is to better serve the clients needs.

By having more services the client develops a trust bond with the brand.

Which serves both as an indirect marketing strategy and a monetization means.

The Reveal, check this online business out for yourself 👀

Yet another online business that earns a steady income and has a host of positive attributes that we can learn from.

The finance blog that is featured in our newsletter today is called Unconventional Prosperity.

Several helpful blog posts centered on helping a specific demographic manage funds and money online.

Web readers can find new and trending ways to achieve financial freedom.

The blog founder has remained anonymous which in some cases is quite unorthodox for high-earning blogs.

However, this has not affected its services as primary client needs are met through its material.

Overall this niche blog is definitely a worthy online business to review.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Consider exploring multiple sources of income to give your clients the full package of the services you offer. This will aid your clients through service delivery, and indirectly market your brand externally.

  • Ensure that your blog material is displayed on relevant pages and in an enticing way to get clicks

  • CTA (Call To Action) buttons are essential. Make sure these buttons are clear and bright to stand out. Use phrases that attract the reader’s eye and make them want to click on the button.

  • Monetize your blog by offering advertising packages to other active online businesses that are looking to achieve a specific advertising goal. Place your contact information in plain sight for easy access for interested clients.

Action Steps if you’d like to start a business like this… 👩‍💻

If you’re already up and running with an online business, keep with it and try to implement some of the lessons you might have found in this email.

You’ll learn all the fundamental skills to build an online income like the one we did a case study on in this email.

Here’s what to expect:

Week 1 - Fundamentals

In this week, you will establish a solid digital marketing foundation. The focus will be on personal branding, but the concepts apply to other business models as well. You will explore:

  • WordPress Website Development: Learn to create a professional and user-friendly website using WordPress, a powerful and widely-used platform for various online businesses.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Understand the basics of SEO to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites.

  • Web Analytics: Discover how to analyze website data using tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Week 2 - How to start a business

In this week you will delve into expanding the online presence and driving traffic to your website. You will get to learn about:

  • Email Marketing: Understand the importance of building an email list and learn effective email marketing strategies to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Dive into the world of paid advertising and explore techniques to run successful ad campaigns on search engines like Google.

Week 3 - How to grow a business

The final week will focus on harnessing the power of social media platforms for business growth. You will discover:

  • Social Media Marketing: Discover how to develop and implement social media strategies to engage with the target audience and build brand loyalty.

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: Explore advanced advertising techniques on these popular platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Before You Go 👋

Thank you for reading.

In my next email, I’ll have another business breakdown for you.

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

If you are ready to get started with your own business, one of the first steps is always a website. Click here for our exclusive hosting deal and click here for an invite to our Max Business School community where you’ll hang out with thousands of fellow ambitious business builders.

Remember to check out the classroom tab (top left corner) for all of our free courses teaching you all you need to succeed online.

Bye for now,

Scott Max