Case Study👉 How YOU Can Earn $9K/Mo With a Parenting Blog

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with Ember Brü

Hi 👋, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

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Now, let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • Monthly earnings of up to $9,000

  • User-friendly navigation and seamless accessibility

  • A step-by-step plan for creating a comparable business

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

Ember BrüFor micro-startup founders on the rise: Dive into curated series on startup hurdles, pitch mastery, work-life synergy, and exclusive chats with pioneering founders!

What does this online business do? 🚀

In this week's issue, we'll be analyzing a parenting-focused business that aims to guide and empower individuals on their parenting journey.

With a strong commitment to providing well-researched and accurate information, this business has achieved impressive monthly revenue, up to $9,000.

The owner, who has firsthand experience as a mother, is dedicated to offering valuable insights on pregnancy, baby care, and parenting.

Now, let's explore the services and offerings provided by this business, which contribute to its revenue generation.

We'll uncover the strategies it employs to fulfill its mission of providing reliable information to parents and discover potential opportunities for further growth.

How does this online business make money? 💻

The revenue generation strategies employed by this parenting-focused business are diverse and well-aligned with their mission.

The primary source of income for the business is through advertisements, which form the major part of their revenue stream.

By partnering with a relevant ad network, they are able to monetize their platform and deliver valuable content to their audience.

In addition to advertisements, the business has tapped into the potential of affiliate marketing. 

By collaborating with brands and companies in the parenting industry, they earn commissions by promoting and recommending products or services to their audience.

This enables them to not only offer valuable recommendations but also generate supplementary revenue through affiliate partnerships.

Furthermore, the business has created its own line of products tailored to the needs of parents.

By leveraging their expertise and understanding of the challenges faced by parents, they have developed products that offer practical solutions and support.

These products are designed to complement the information and guidance provided on their platform, offering an additional stream of revenue.

By combining revenue from advertisements, affiliate marketing, and selling their own products, this business has established a diversified income model.

This not only helps them sustain their operations but also allows them to continue providing valuable and well-researched information to their audience.

What has this business done well?🔥

The success of this parenting-focused business can be attributed to several key factors, each playing a significant role in their growth and profitability.

Firstly, the business has prioritized user experience and ease of navigation on their blog.

With a user-friendly layout, visitors can effortlessly explore the wide range of topics covered by the blog.

The homepage serves as a hub for accessing various categories, and the menu is thoughtfully organized to help the audience find the specific posts they are interested in.

This seamless navigation enhances user satisfaction and encourages them to engage with the content.

Another crucial factor contributing to the business's success is their outstanding SEO strategy and the production of high-quality content.

The blog's strong SEO traffic is a testament to their effective optimization efforts.

By implementing solid keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink strategies, the business has achieved excellent search engine rankings.

This visibility not only drives organic traffic but also establishes their authority in the parenting niche.

A strong presence on social media platforms has also contributed to their success.

With a significant following of almost 33,000 on Pinterest and impressive monthly views of 4.4 million, the business has tapped into a valuable source of traffic and engagement.

This social media presence amplifies their reach and allows them to connect with a broader audience, driving more visitors to their blog and increasing their brand visibility.

In addition to promoting affiliate products, the business's decision to offer their own goods has brought multiple benefits.

Firstly, it serves as an extra income stream, diversifying their revenue sources and reducing dependency on external partnerships.

Moreover, the decision to develop a digital product was inherently beneficial and offers numerous advantages.

Furthermore, having their own products allows them to establish their brand identity and reputation within the parenting community.

This contributes to their notoriety, audience expansion, and fosters a sense of trust among their readers.

Lastly, the business highlights their notable achievements by displaying where the blog has been featured.

This demonstrates their recognition within the industry and adds to their credibility. Being featured on reputable platforms further solidifies their expertise and attracts a larger audience to engage with their content.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

To further increase revenue and generate more leads, there are several key opportunities for this parenting-focused business to explore:

Expand Social Media Reach: 

While the business has established a strong presence on Pinterest and Instagram, there is potential to expand their reach by exploring other social media platforms.

Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can provide additional avenues to engage with a wider audience and drive more traffic to their blog.

Through the expansion of their social media presence, the company can access untapped user demographics and enhance their overall brand visibility, thereby maximizing the advantages afforded by social media platforms.

Enhance Email Marketing Efforts: 

Building an email database can be a valuable asset for this business.

Implementing effective lead generation strategies, which involve offering free resources or exclusive content in exchange for email sign-ups, will enable them to gather a substantial list of interested subscribers.

This email database can then be leveraged for newsletter purposes, allowing them to maintain regular communication with their audience, provide updates on new blog posts, promote their own products, and drive traffic back to their website.

By enhancing their email marketing efforts, the business can nurture leads and build stronger relationships with their readers, ultimately driving more conversions and revenue.

Enhance Website Performance: 

While the business's website is functional, there is room for improvement to optimize its performance.

This can include optimizing page load times, improving mobile responsiveness, and enhancing overall user experience.

By investing in website optimization, the business can create a more seamless and engaging browsing experience for visitors, leading to increased engagement, longer session durations, and higher conversion rates.

Additionally, implementing effective SEO strategies, such as improving meta tags, optimizing headings, and creating quality backlinks, can further boost their organic search rankings and drive more targeted traffic to their blog.

Utilize Customer Reviews and Testimonials in the Shop:

Customer reviews and testimonials can play a crucial role in building trust and credibility.

By incorporating reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers directly on their website's shop section, the business can showcase social proof and influence purchasing decisions.

Positive feedback from previous customers can help alleviate any doubts potential customers may have and encourage them to make a purchase.

Additionally, actively soliciting and showcasing customer testimonials can help build a strong reputation and increase customer confidence in the business's products.

The Reveal, check this online business out for yourself 👀

Meet Brenda Kosciuk, the visionary behind Paper Heart Family.

As a devoted mother of two and an experienced educator holding a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in Spanish education, Brenda has firsthand knowledge of the joys and challenges that come with parenting.

Brenda understands the feelings of isolation and uncertainty that many parents experience along their journey.

She remembers the countless hours spent researching and the frustration of encountering outdated or inaccurate information online.

Determined to make a difference, Brenda founded Paper Heart Family as a trusted resource, providing informative, encouraging, and supportive content for parents of all backgrounds.

With a genuine passion for helping others, Brenda's goal is to create a community where parents can find reliable guidance and feel empowered in their parenting choices.

Through Paper Heart Family, she offers a wealth of carefully curated information and practical advice to address the diverse needs and concerns of families.

Brenda's heartfelt wish is for every visitor to the site to feel inspired and supported, regardless of their individual parenting style.

She understands the challenges of parenthood and strives to make the journey a little bit easier for parents everywhere.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • User-Friendly Website Design: A well-designed website with intuitive navigation and easy accessibility is crucial for enhancing user experience. By ensuring that visitors can easily explore different topics, find relevant posts, and engage with the content, a blog can keep readers engaged and encourage them to return.

  • Monetization Opportunities: Blogs have various avenues for generating revenue. Alongside ad placements, blogs can explore affiliate marketing partnerships and selling their own products or services. Diversifying income streams allows for greater financial stability and opens up opportunities for growth.

  • Effective SEO Strategy: The success of a blog heavily relies on implementing a robust SEO strategy. By optimizing content for search engines and delivering high-quality posts, a blog can attract a significant amount of organic traffic and establish its authority in the industry.

  • Expanding Social Media Reach: Building a strong presence on social media platforms is essential for reaching a wider audience and driving more traffic to the blog. Exploring different platforms beyond Pinterest and Instagram can help maximize the blog's exposure and engagement.

  • Email Marketing Potential: Building an email database is a valuable asset for any blog. By implementing effective email marketing strategies, such as offering exclusive content, personalized recommendations, and engaging newsletters, blogs can nurture their audience, drive repeat visits, and increase conversions.

  • Continuous Website Optimization: Regularly assessing and improving website performance is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Enhancing loading speed, optimizing mobile responsiveness, and refining the overall user experience can significantly impact engagement, retention, and conversion rates.

  • Leveraging Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Incorporating customer reviews and testimonials in the blog's shop section can boost credibility, build trust with the audience, and drive more sales. Positive feedback and social proof create a sense of reliability and encourage readers to make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Embrace Opportunities for Growth: Recognizing the potential for growth and implementing strategies to capitalize on these opportunities is key. Expanding social media reach, enhancing email marketing efforts, optimizing website performance, and leveraging customer feedback are just a few ways to generate more revenue, attract new leads, and strengthen the overall blog's presence.

Action Steps if you’d like to start a business like this… 👩‍💻

If you’re already up and running with an online business, keep with it and try to implement some of the lessons you might have found in this email.

You’ll learn all the fundamental skill to build an online income like the one we did a case study on in this email.

Here’s what to expect:

Week 1 - Fundamentals

In this week, you will establish a solid digital marketing foundation. The focus will be on personal branding, but the concepts apply to other business models as well. You will explore:

  • WordPress Website Development: Learn to create a professional and user-friendly website using WordPress, a powerful and widely-used platform for various online businesses.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Understand the basics of SEO to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites.

  • Web Analytics: Discover how to analyze website data using tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Week 2 - How to start a business

In this week you will delve into expanding the online presence and driving traffic to your website. You will get to learn about:

  • Email Marketing: Understand the importance of building an email list and learn effective email marketing strategies to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Dive into the world of paid advertising and explore techniques to run successful ad campaigns on search engines like Google.

Week 3 - How to grow a business

The final week will focus on harnessing the power of social media platforms for business growth. You will discover:

  • Social Media Marketing: Discover how to develop and implement social media strategies to engage with the target audience and build brand loyalty.

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: Explore advanced advertising techniques on these popular platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

You decide what's next! ⏭️

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Before You Go 👋

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Ember BrüFor micro-startup founders on the rise: Dive into curated series on startup hurdles, pitch mastery, work-life synergy, and exclusive chats with pioneering founders!

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Bye for now,

Scott Max