Case Study 📚 How YOU Can Get $17K/Mo With a Fashion Blog

Meet Cristina Ehm, a talented designer and stylist with a desire to make it big.

After studying at a famous fashion school in Paris and working with well-known brands in Switzerland and Italy, Cristina wanted to share her passion for fashion with the world.

She noticed that many women struggled with choosing the right shoes for their outfits, and she saw an opportunity to help.

With a heart full of dreams and a head full of ideas, Cristina decided to start her own online business that we will analyse the case study.

In 2010, she launched ShoeTease, a hub where women could learn how to style their outfits starting with their footwear.

Cristina wanted to empower women to express themselves through their style.

Starting her business was a big step. The online world is crowded, and standing out was a challenge.

But Cristina was determined. She used her deep knowledge of fashion and her skills in digital communication to create a unique space on the internet.

ShoeTease became a community where women could find advice, inspiration, and support for their style choices.

In the beginning, it wasn't easy. Cristina faced challenges and had to figure out how to attract visitors to her site.

But she didn't give up. She learned about smart strategies to grow her business, like what we teach at Max Business School.

Through persistence and smart planning, Cristina managed to make her website a go-to place for fashion advice, attracting women from all over the world.

Case Study Analysis & Swipes
(Available Free Until: 22/03/24)

What does this online business do? 🚀

Today, we're diving into an exciting venture that's all about stepping up your style game, starting from the ground up, literally!

Basically, it's a unique hub where women can find not just the perfect pair of shoes but also get expert advice on how to make their entire outfit shine, all starting with their footwear.

This online platform is not just about selling shoes, it's about empowering women to express themselves through their style, offering both products and priceless guidance.

But that’s not all! What's truly remarkable is how they've turned their passion for shoes into a thriving business, raking in an impressive $17,000 each month!

Stay tuned as we walk you through how this hub uses its platform to help women step out in style.

How does this online business make money? 💻

At the heart of this shoe and styling hub is a clever blend of income streams that work together seamlessly.

First off, the site smartly utilizes ads and affiliate marketing.

For our savvy readers, you know the drill: these are tried and true methods for monetizing online content.

But it's the way they integrate these with their core offerings that truly sets them apart.

What's even more interesting is the addition of digital products to their repertoire.

Think exclusive styling guides and downloadable lookbooks.

These aren't just any digital products, they're tailored to help women elevate their fashion game, focusing on the synergy between footwear and outfits.

This innovative approach not only adds value for their audience but also creates an additional revenue stream, making the business even more robust.

What has this business done well?🔥

Let's get into why this shoe and styling hub is doing so well.

It's not just one thing but a mix of smart moves and great strategies:

Simple and Fast Website:

First up, their website is super easy to use. It's got a clean look, no clutter.

This makes everything quick to find and the website loads fast, too.

When we checked how fast on WebPageTest, the results were good.

This is big because it means people stick around more and have a good time browsing.

They Know Their Stuff:

They're pulling in over 70,000 visitors every month from all over the place.

That's huge. It shows they've got something special that people want.

They've found their spot in the fashion world and are owning it.

SEO Strategy:

Now, for the techy part.

They get about 17,000 people every month just from Google searches.

They used to get even more, like over 200,000, but things changed after Google updated how it ranks websites.

Still, getting thousands to visit your site without paying for ads is impressive.

Pinterest Reach:

Here's where it gets impressive.

They don't have a ton of followers on Pinterest, just 14,000.

But they somehow get over 8 million views there every month.

That's amazing! It means they're good at getting people's attention and leading them to their site.

So, what's the secret? It's a mix of keeping things simple and user-friendly on their site, really understanding their fashion niche, being smart with Google, and using Pinterest like pros.

All these things together make them stand out and keep the cash flowing in.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

While website is already strutting its stuff successfully, there's always room for growth and innovation.

Here are a couple of strategies they could use to boost their revenue and attract even more leads:

Make CTA Buttons Pop:

One quick win is to improve their Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons.

Right now, their buttons blend in too much with the site's overall color scheme.

This might look nice, but it's not doing them any favors in terms of clicks.

By choosing a contrasting color for these buttons, they'll stand out more, grabbing visitors' attention and encouraging more clicks.

This simple change can lead to more conversions, whether that's signing up for newsletters, downloading styling guides, or making a purchase.

Leverage Video Content:

Adding more video content could be a game-changer for them.

Videos showcasing how to style outfits with different shoes can be both engaging and informative, keeping visitors on the site longer and encouraging them to explore more.

These videos could be tutorials, styling tips, or even behind-the-scenes looks at how they choose their products.

Sharing these videos on social media and YouTube can also attract a wider audience, boosting their brand visibility and driving traffic back to their site.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Simplicity and Speed Matter: A clean, fast-loading website enhances user experience, encouraging visitors to stay longer and explore.

  • Know Your Audience: Attracting over 70,000 visitors a month shows the importance of understanding and catering to your niche effectively.

  • SEO is Key: Despite changes in Google's algorithm, maintaining strong organic traffic proves the value of a solid SEO strategy.

  • Maximize social media: Even with a smaller following, achieving massive reach on platforms like Pinterest can significantly boost your site's traffic.

  • CTA Optimization: Making CTA buttons more noticeable can significantly increase engagement and conversions. A small change can have a big impact.

  • Embrace Video Content: Incorporating video into your content strategy can deepen engagement, provide value, and attract a broader audience through social sharing.

Cristina's journey from dreaming about working in fashion to creating a successful online business is inspiring.

It shows us that with passion, determination, and the right strategies, anyone can turn their dream into reality.

Cristina and ShoeTease remind us to dream big and keep pushing forward, no matter what challenges we face.

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Scott Max