Case Study 📚 How YOU Can Make $2,000/Mo with a Programming Platform

Welcome to Online Business Case Study #272!
Grab your coffee, it’s an 8-minute read you won’t want to miss!

In today’s letter, we’ll cover:

  • How Raj got to $2,000/month 🚀

  • Benefits of live workshops 💡

  • Where you can learn to replicate his success in your own life 🔥

But before we dive in, let us show you a useful resource we discovered recently: Why We Buy 🧠

You know that feeling when you come across something that just clicks?

That’s how we felt when we discovered Why We Buy 🧠.

It’s this free newsletter all about buyer psychology, and honestly, it’s like having a cheat code for marketing.

It’s helps to understand what really drives people to make a purchase, and you can use that knowledge to get more customers.

Plus, it’ll make you look like a genius to your boss or clients 😉.

If you want to level up your marketing game without doing the heavy lifting, definitely check it out!

One more thing, at the bottom of the email, you will find some free resources and top job openings. Check it out!

Let’s get to the good stuff!

Meet Raj*, a curious boy who lived in a small village surrounded by tall mountains and winding rivers.

Technology was rare in his town, and most people worked on farms.

But Raj was different. He was fascinated by the idea of computers, even though he had never seen one.

One day, while visiting a nearby town, he found a torn magazine with pictures of computers and codes.

The strange symbols intrigued him, and he wanted to learn more.

Without a computer or internet at home, Raj began his journey by reading any old books he could find about programming.

Every evening, under the dim light of a lantern, he copied code by hand into a notebook.

People in his village thought it was odd, but Raj didn't mind.

He imagined the day when he could share his knowledge with others.

His chance came when a new teacher arrived at the village school.

Noticing Raj's interest, the teacher allowed him to use the school's old computer after classes. It was slow and outdated, but to Raj, it was a treasure.

He spent hours practicing and learning, solving problems, and creating small programs.

Years went by, and Raj grew up and became an adult, and that’s when he realized that many people like him wanted to learn coding but didn't have easy resources.

He decided to create a website with simple, free lessons to help others.

With limited tools, he built the site from scratch, writing clear tutorials and making fun exercises that anyone could try.

At first, only a few visitors came to his website. But slowly, word spread about his helpful lessons.

More learners from different places began to use his site.

Raj added more courses and created a special area where students could write code and see it work right away, as we will see in the case study.

To help his website grow, Raj used smart ideas similar to those taught for free at Max Business School.

These strategies helped him reach more people and improve his site even more.

If you were in Raj's shoes, what would you do next to help even more people learn coding?

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Today, Raj's website helps thousands of people around the world learn to code.

His journey from a small village boy to the creator of a valuable learning platform shows that with determination and hard work, dreams can come true.

Case Study Analysis
(Programming Platform: StudyTonight)

What does this online business do? 🚀

Today, we're stepping into the world of coding with a website that's helping people learn programming.

This online platform offers easy-to-follow tutorials and courses for anyone eager to dive into code.

Despite being run by a small team, it brings in $2,000 each month.

From beginners taking their first steps to seasoned coders brushing up on skills, this site caters to all.

In the next sections, we'll explore how this business earns its revenue and what makes it stand out.

How does this online business make money? 💻

So, how does this programming platform make money?

The main way is by selling their own courses.

They offer a variety of online classes that teach people how to code in different programming languages.

These courses are made for beginners and also for those who want to improve their skills.

The website provides free tutorials to help people get started.

These lessons cover basics and are easy to follow, and when users want to learn more, they can buy the paid courses.

By creating their own content, they control the quality and keep the prices low, so they can focus on making their courses affordable and helpful.

What has this business done well?🔥

This programming website has found success by doing several smart things.

First, their website is clean and fast. This shows they use the skills they teach.

After all, who would trust a slow website that teaches web development?

That would be like a chef who can't cook…

Second, they use free tutorials and blogs to get visitors from search engines.

This is good because it brings in people looking to learn coding.

When someone searches for help, they find this site.

More visitors mean more people who might buy their courses.

Third, they offer some courses like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for free.

This helps beginners start learning without spending money.

When people like the free courses, they might choose to buy the paid ones.

This builds trust and shows the quality of their teaching.

Fourth, they have many exercises in their courses.

This makes learning practical.

Doing exercises helps students understand better.

Which is the same approach we follow at Max Business School by the way.

Moreover, they have two interactive tools on their site.

One is a list of interview questions and answers to help people prepare for job interviews.

The other is a coding playground where students can write code and see how it works.

These tools make learning more fun and useful.

By focusing on good content, practical learning, and helpful tools, this website stands out.

They make learning to code easy and enjoyable, which helps them succeed.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

There are ways this programming website can grow and make more money.

Here are two big ideas:

Create Advanced Courses

Here's how this helps:

  • Attracts More Students: People who finish the basic courses might want to learn more. Offering advanced topics means they don't have to go elsewhere.

  • Covers In-Demand Skills: Topics like data science, machine learning, and mobile app development are popular. Teaching these can bring in more students.

  • Higher Value Courses: Advanced courses can be sold at a higher price because they offer more specialized knowledge.

  • Builds Reputation: Offering a wide range of courses makes the website a go-to place for learning programming.

By creating advanced courses, they can reach a wider audience and increase their income.

Host Live Workshops

Another idea is to offer live online classes or webinars. This can benefit the website in several ways:

  • Interactive Learning: Students can ask questions and get answers right away. This helps them learn better.

  • Personal Connection: Live sessions help students feel connected to the teachers and other learners.

  • Exclusive Content: They can offer special workshops on new or trending topics.

  • Extra Revenue: They can charge for these live sessions separately or include them in a premium package.

Hosting live workshops makes learning more engaging.

It adds value to what they offer and can attract more students willing to pay for this experience.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Keep Your Website Fast and Clean: A quick and easy-to-use website builds trust. If you teach web development, your site should show your skills. Nobody trusts a slow site from a coding teacher!

  • Attract Visitors with Free Content: Offering free tutorials and blogs helps people find you through search engines. More visitors mean more potential customers for your paid products.

  • Offer Free Samples to Build Trust: Providing free courses lets learners try before they buy. If they like the free content, they're more likely to purchase paid courses.

  • Make Learning Practical and Fun: Include exercises and interactive tools like coding playgrounds. Practical tasks help students understand better and enjoy learning.

  • Expand with Advanced Courses: Adding advanced topics attracts learners who want more. This can increase your audience and revenue, making your site a go-to place for learning.

  • Host Live Workshops for Engagement: Live classes or webinars offer real-time interaction. This makes learning more engaging and can be an extra source of income.

Raj's story with his platform: StudyTonight, reminds us that no matter where we start, we can achieve great things and help others along the way.

If he can do it, you can do it too!

What would you like to explore next? ⏭️

Business/income will be revealed in the case study 😉

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Before You Go 👋

Thank you for reading.

Remember to check the useful resource we recently found: Why We Buy 🧠

You know that feeling when you come across something that just clicks?

That’s how we felt when we discovered Why We Buy 🧠.

It’s this free newsletter all about buyer psychology, and honestly, it’s like having a cheat code for marketing.

It’s helps to understand what really drives people to make a purchase, and you can use that knowledge to get more customers.

Plus, it’ll make you look like a genius to your boss or clients 😉.

If you want to level up your marketing game without doing the heavy lifting, definitely check it out!

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

Also, here are some quick links you might find handy 👇️

Bye for now,

Scott Max

*Fictional character to protect the anonymity of this entrepreneur