Case Study 📚 How YOU Can Make 2K/Mo from a Virtual Tour Creation Tool

Welcome to Online Business Case Study #247!
Grab your coffee, it’s an 8-minute read you won’t want to miss!

In today’s letter, we’ll cover:

  • How Remy got to $2,000/month 🚀

  • The importance of freemium 💡

  • Where you can learn to replicate her success in your own life 🔥

But before we dive in, let us show you a useful resource we discovered recently:

Did you know that you can get real startup stories from founders who’ve been there?

Pretty interesting, right?

Well, we found a newsletter that will help you nail your pitch with insider tips, and find that sweet spot between work and life: Ember Brü.

This resource will surely assist you in tackling the biggest challenges in the startup world.

Ready to make your journey a little easier?

One more thing, at the bottom of the email, you will find some free resources and top job openings. Check it out!

Let’s get to the good stuff!

Meet Remy*, a young woman with big dreams but little money.

She always knew she wanted more out of life, more freedom, more control over her time, and the chance to build something she could be proud of.

Stuck in a 9-to-5 job that left her unfulfilled, Remy often wondered if there was a way to escape the grind and live life on her own terms.

One evening, after another long day at work, Remy stumbled upon the idea of starting an online business.

She had no experience running a business, but the thought of creating something from scratch excited her.

Determined to turn her life around, Remy decided to dive in and give it everything she had.

She spent her nights researching, learning, and slowly building her website.

It wasn’t easy of course, there were countless challenges along the way.

From technical setbacks to moments of self-doubt, Remy often wondered if she’d ever make it.

But she kept going. Through grit, perseverance, and a lot of late nights, Remy launched her online business: TrueVirtualTours.

When Remy first thought about starting her online business, she faced a big decision. What would you do if you were in her shoes?

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Slowly but surely, she began to see results.

Orders started coming in, and she realized that her hard work was paying off.

As we’ll see in the case study, Remy used smart strategies to grow her business, learning as she went and adapting to new challenges.

Along the way, she picked up many skills, similar to what we teach for free at Max Business School, that helped her turn a small idea into something much bigger.

Remy faced many challenges when starting her business, but she used smart strategies to overcome them. What do you think is one of the best strategies for building an online business?

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Today, Remy’s business is doing good, and she’s no longer tied down to the daily grind.

Her story is proof that with determination and the right mindset, anyone can turn their dreams into reality.

Keep reading to learn more about how Remy achieved her success!

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  • In-depth analysis of the key strategies that made this business successful

  • Actionable recommendations for additional strategies to help the business thrive even further

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Before You Go 👋

Thank you for reading.

Remember to check the useful resource we recently found:

Did you know that you can get real startup stories from founders who’ve been there?

Pretty interesting, right?

Well, we found a newsletter that will help you nail your pitch with insider tips, and find that sweet spot between work and life: Ember Brü.

This resource will surely assist you in tackling the biggest challenges in the startup world.

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

Also, here are some quick links you might find handy 👇️

Bye for now,

Scott Max

*Fictional character to protect the anonymity of this entrepreneur

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