Case Study👉 How YOU Can Make $30K/Mo via a Digital Marketing Agency

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with Potencia Mind Newsletter

Hi 👋, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

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Together, let's shape knowledge and drive success.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • Generating a monthly revenue exceeding $30,000.

  • An excellent illustration of how personal branding can be crucial to achieving success.

  • A comprehensive guide to aid you in constructing a business.

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

🧠 Potencia Mind NewsletterRapid Learning, Motivation, Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence, Productivity, High Performance & More!

What does this online business do? 🚀

This week, we're diving into the world of search engine optimization (SEO) services and highlighting a highly successful company.

With monthly revenue surpassing $30,000, this business has established itself as a leading provider of SEO solutions.

Utilizing their expertise in search algorithms and industry best practices, this company excels at driving organic traffic and generating quality leads for their clients.

In the upcoming sections, we'll explore their winning strategies and uncover the secrets behind their outstanding performance.

How does this online business make money? 💻

This SEO company generates revenue through its comprehensive range of SEO services designed to boost clients' online presence.

They specialize in three key areas: content writing, link building, and topic clusters.

Firstly, their content writing service stands out by adhering to Google's recommendation of writing for users.

Their team conducts thorough analysis of search engine result pages (SERPs) to understand user intent accurately.

Utilizing a unique methodology, they create perfectly optimized content that not only engages users but also ranks quickly in search engine results.

Secondly, their expertise in link building spans over a decade, allowing them to deliver links that provide a tangible return on investment (ROI).

Unlike typical link farms, this company focuses on acquiring high-quality, relevant links that contribute to the overall credibility and visibility of clients' websites.

Lastly, their topic cluster service empowers clients to leverage their website's topical authority.

This fully managed content solution covers all aspects, from comprehensive keyword research to crafting engaging content.

Additionally, the service includes internal linking strategies to strengthen the topical relevance and overall SEO performance of the topic cluster.

By offering these three types of SEO services, this company positions itself as a comprehensive solution provider, enabling clients to enhance their online presence, attract organic traffic, and achieve sustainable growth in the digital landscape.

What has this business done well?🔥

This SEO business has achieved remarkable success due to several key factors that set them apart from their competitors and contribute to their strong reputation in the industry.

First and foremost, the owner's exceptional personal branding skills have played a significant role in attracting clients.

Through effective utilization of Facebook audience and word-of-mouth marketing, the owner has cultivated a loyal following who trust and recommend their services.

This personal touch creates a sense of authenticity and establishes a strong connection with clients right from the start.

One of the standout features of this business is their unique practices, particularly in link building.

They have developed a filtering method that ensures the acquisition of high-quality, relevant links for their clients.

By focusing on quality rather than quantity, they differentiate themselves from other service providers who may resort to generic link building techniques.

This emphasis on delivering tangible results resonates with clients seeking a reliable and effective SEO solution.

To further instill trust and showcase their expertise, this business proudly displays proof of their work through samples and case studies.

By sharing successful campaigns and highlighting the positive impact of their strategies, they demonstrate their ability to deliver tangible results.

This transparency not only builds confidence in potential clients but also serves as a valuable resource for existing clients to witness the efficacy of their services.

Recognizing the importance of education in the field of SEO, this business goes the extra mile by providing free educational content. 

Whether through blog posts, video tutorials, or webinars, they actively share their knowledge and insights to help clients and the wider community stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices.

This commitment to empowering clients with knowledge positions them as trusted advisors and establishes long-term relationships based on mutual growth.

In addition to their expertise, this business leverages their own tools to enhance the effectiveness of their services.

By utilizing proprietary software or applications tailored to SEO, they can offer unique insights and solutions that cater specifically to their clients' needs.

This added value not only sets them apart from competitors but also demonstrates their commitment to innovation and staying ahead in the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Moreover, this agency stands out not only for its impeccable SEO services but also for its exceptional conversion rate optimization (CRO) practices.

With a keen focus on site performance and user experience, the business ensures that every aspect of their website is optimized to drive conversions.

From lightning-fast loading times to strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs), they leave no stone unturned in their quest to maximize conversions.

Furthermore, the display of client testimonials adds an extra layer of credibility, instilling trust and confidence in potential customers.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

To generate more revenue and acquire additional leads, there are several key opportunities this SEO business can explore.

By leveraging their strengths and adopting new strategies, they can take their agency to the next level and secure long-term success.

Enhancing SEO Efforts and Elevating the Agency:

While personal branding has been effective in attracting clients, it's important for the business to strengthen its own SEO efforts and establish an independent online presence.

Currently, the agency has minimal organic traffic, which poses a risk in the long run.

By investing in targeted SEO strategies, optimizing their website, and consistently producing high-quality content, they can improve their visibility in search engine rankings.

This will help them attract a wider audience, generate organic leads, and elevate the agency to a more sustainable position.

Adding More Revenue Streams:

Given the owner's industry reputation and expertise, they have a unique opportunity to create additional revenue streams.

One effective approach is to develop a paid course where the owner can share their knowledge and skills in-depth.

This course can cater to aspiring SEO professionals, business owners looking to improve their digital marketing efforts, or individuals seeking to enhance their own SEO knowledge.

By monetizing their expertise through educational resources, they can tap into a broader market, increase their revenue potential, and establish themselves as thought leaders in the industry.

Utilizing Email Marketing:

The agency is currently not utilizing email marketing, which represents a missed opportunity to engage with their existing clients and attract new leads.

Implementing email marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy can yield several benefits.

Firstly, it allows for direct communication with clients, enabling personalized and targeted messaging to nurture relationships and encourage repeat business.

Secondly, email marketing enables the agency to showcase their expertise through valuable content, industry insights, and updates on the latest SEO trends.

This positions them as a trusted resource and helps to strengthen client trust and loyalty.

Lastly, email marketing can be used to promote new services, special offers, or upcoming events, driving conversions and generating additional revenue.

The Reveal, check this online business out for yourself 👀

Introducing Israel Gaudette, the mastermind behind FlawlessSeo, the remarkable business we've analyzed.

As a highly accomplished affiliate marketer and a renowned expert in the field of link building, Israel has gained a reputation for his exceptional skills and knowledge.

With a deep understanding of what it takes to rank in search engines, Israel firmly believes in the power of great content and domain authority.

Israel Gaudette's dedication to personal branding has been instrumental in the success of FlawlessSeo.

Every client that comes their way is a testament to his ability to build trust and establish credibility within the industry.

As Israel Gaudette continues to share his expertise through his blog and services, he remains committed to guiding others towards achieving their financial independence through SEO.

By simplifying the process and emphasizing the importance of great content and domain authority, Israel empowers individuals and businesses to unlock their full potential in the world of search engine optimization.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Focus on Personal Branding: Building a strong personal brand can greatly benefit your agency by attracting clients through word-of-mouth and social media. However, it's important to balance personal branding with a solid marketing strategy for the agency itself. Relying solely on personal branding can pose challenges when transitioning ownership or expanding the business.

  • Showcase Unique Practices: Highlighting unique practices and methodologies can make your agency's services more appealing to potential clients. For example, FlawlessSeo's filtering method in link building sets them apart from the competition. Find distinctive approaches in your own agency's services and emphasize them to stand out in a crowded market.

  • Display Proof of Work: Providing tangible proof of your agency's work can help build trust and credibility. Whether it's through case studies, samples, or client testimonials, showcasing real results can demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your services.

  • Offer Free Educational Content: Providing free educational content is a powerful way to establish your agency as an industry thought leader and attract potential leads. By sharing valuable knowledge and insights, you can position your agency as a go-to resource and build trust with your audience.

  • Explore Additional Revenue Streams: Diversifying your agency's revenue streams can help increase profitability and stability. Consider leveraging your expertise and reputation to create paid courses or digital products that can generate passive income. This not only expands your revenue opportunities but also establishes your agency as an authority in the field.

  • Harness the Power of Email Marketing: Incorporating email marketing into your overall marketing strategy can have numerous benefits. It allows you to nurture leads, maintain client relationships, and drive repeat business. Utilize email campaigns to share valuable content, announce promotions, and engage with your audience on a more personal level.

Action Steps if you’d like to start a business like this… 👩‍💻

If you’re already up and running with an online business, keep with it and try to implement some of the lessons you might have found in this email.

You’ll learn all the fundamental skill to build an online income like the one we did a case study on in this email.

Here’s what to expect:

Week 1 - Fundamentals

In this week, you will establish a solid digital marketing foundation. The focus will be on personal branding, but the concepts apply to other business models as well. You will explore:

  • WordPress Website Development: Learn to create a professional and user-friendly website using WordPress, a powerful and widely-used platform for various online businesses.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Understand the basics of SEO to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites.

  • Web Analytics: Discover how to analyze website data using tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Week 2 - How to start a business

In this week you will delve into expanding the online presence and driving traffic to your website. You will get to learn about:

  • Email Marketing: Understand the importance of building an email list and learn effective email marketing strategies to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Dive into the world of paid advertising and explore techniques to run successful ad campaigns on search engines like Google.

Week 3 - How to grow a business

The final week will focus on harnessing the power of social media platforms for business growth. You will discover:

  • Social Media Marketing: Discover how to develop and implement social media strategies to engage with the target audience and build brand loyalty.

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: Explore advanced advertising techniques on these popular platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Before You Go 👋

Thank you for reading.

In my next email, I’ll have another business breakdown for you.

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

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Remember to check out the classroom tab (top left corner) for all of our free courses teaching you all you need to succeed online.

Bye for now,

Scott Max