Case Study πŸ“š How YOU Can Make $4K/Mo With a Tutoring Marketplace

Meet Hao Zhuang and his best friend, William Hsu.

These two friends had a big dream.

They wanted to make it easier for students to find the perfect teachers for whatever they wanted to learn.

So, they started a tutoring website.

It's a marketplace where students and teachers can find each other and work together, no matter where they are in the world.

Hao and William were friends since they were six years old, and they always worked on projects together.

In 2016, they created their business 1on1.

At first, it was just a small test, but soon many people started to use it.

Even though William got very sick, he kept working on 1on1 because he believed in their dream.

Sadly, William passed away - may he rest in peace - but he asked Hao to keep going.

Hao promised to do that, and with the help of a new team member, Kevin, they made 1on1 even better.

As we’ll see in the case study, 1on1 is a big online place where anyone can find a tutor for things like school subjects, hobbies, or anything new they want to learn. It's also a place for teachers to find students.

The website makes sure that everything goes smoothly and safely for both students and teachers.

They want to make the biggest website in the world for sharing skills and learning new things.

Hao and William's story shows us that if you have a dream and work hard, you can make a big difference.

They built 1on1 into a successful business that helps people learn and teach all over the globe.

And guess what? The skills they used to grow their business are the kind of skills we teach for free at Max Business School.

So, if you're inspired by what Hao and William did, you can learn to do something amazing too.

Case Study Analysis
(Available Free Until: 14/03/24)

What does this online business do? πŸš€

Today, we're exploring an innovative online marketplace that connects learners with tutors for one-on-one sessions.

This platform stands out because it focuses on personalized learning, matching students with the right tutors to meet their specific needs.

Despite its niche approach, this unique service is making an impressive impact, generating $4,000 in monthly revenue.

It's a testament to the growing demand for customized education solutions.

Let's dive deeper into how this platform operates and the secret behind its success.

How does this online business make money? πŸ’»

This tutoring website makes its money in a few different ways, but it's all pretty straightforward.

First off, whenever a student pays for a lesson, the website takes a small cut of 5%. With over 20,000 tutors offering lessons, these little bits add up quickly.

The site also makes money through ads that you see on its pages, charging for guest posts and backlinks (which are ways other websites can get mentioned or linked to on this platform), and through affiliate marketing.

This means they get a commission for recommending certain products or services to their users.

While we can’t tell exactly how much money each of these methods brings in, there's a hint that something in their money-making plan could be better.

There's a loophole that they should solve to grow their business.

We'll talk more about what that might mean later on.

What has this business done well?πŸ”₯

This tutoring website is doing great for a few big reasons.

First, it has lots of different classes you can take, more than you can imagine.

Whether you want to learn about math, how to cook, play music, speak another language, or even get better at sports, they've got it all.

And they're not just in one place, they help people learn in over 120 countries around the world.

They also share stories from happy students who have learned a lot with their tutors.

This helps new people feel more comfortable about signing up because they see others like them have had a good experience.

Another smart thing they do is write articles and helpful tips in both English and Mandarin.

Since lots of people around the world speak these languages, it means more people can use the site easily and find what they need.

Plus, having a blog obviously helps in getting more organic traffic.

Lastly, they have an affiliate program where if you help them find places for their ads or new tutors, they'll give you a little bit of money for the help.

This is a way to grow their business without spending a lot of money on ads because it encourages people who use the site to spread the word.

What this business could improve?πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Even though this tutoring marketplace is on a successful path, there are some golden opportunities they can grab to boost their revenue and attract more learners.

Securing Transactions Within the Platform:

One of the first things the business could improve is making sure all payments happen right on their website.

Right now, they don't have a foolproof way to guarantee this, which means they might be losing out on some of the fees they could earn from each lesson.

By setting up a system that makes it easy and safe for all money transfers to go through their site, they can ensure they're getting every penny they deserve.

This might involve better security, easier payment processes, or even incentives for staying within the official system.

Boosting Platform Performance:

The speed and smoothness of their website and app aren't top-notch, which could turn people away.

In today's fast-paced world, nobody wants to wait around for slow pages to load or deal with glitches.

Improving the performance of their platform can make a huge difference.

It means people will have a better time browsing, booking lessons, and learning.

A faster, more reliable site could help keep users around longer and convince new visitors to sign up.

Both steps are about making the experience better for everyone involved.

By focusing on these areas, the business can not only increase its revenue but also build a stronger, more loyal community of learners and tutors.

The Takeaway, What We Learned πŸŽ“

  • Diverse Offerings: Offering a wide range of classes across various disciplines can attract a broad audience. Whether it's academic subjects, creative arts, or practical skills, having something for everyone is key.

  • Global Reach: Expanding services to cater to a global audience not only increases potential customer base but also enhances brand visibility and impact across borders.

  • Building Trust through Testimonials: Sharing success stories and positive experiences from users can significantly boost new customers' confidence and encourage sign-ups.

  • Leveraging Multiple Languages: Offering content, such as blogs in widely spoken languages like English and Mandarin, can tap into larger markets and drive organic traffic to the site.

  • Innovative Growth Strategies: Utilizing affiliate programs can be a cost-effective way to grow the business. Encouraging the community to spread the word can lead to increased visibility without a hefty advertising budget.

  • Securing Transactions: Ensuring that all financial transactions are securely processed through the platform can safeguard revenue streams and enhance user trust.

  • Optimizing Platform Performance: In the digital age, speed and reliability are non-negotiable. Investing in the platform's performance can improve user experience, retain current users, and attract new ones.

The story of 1on1 is not just about a website.

It's about friendship, believing in your dreams, and making them come true.

It teaches us that with determination and the right help, anyone can make a positive impact in the world.

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Scott Max