Case Study 📚 How YOU Can Make 5 Figures Teaching Aspiring Mom Bloggers

Meet Suzi, a wife, mom of three, and a self-proclaimed tech genius.

After years spent optimizing systems for big companies, Suzi became a stay-at-home mom, yearning for an outlet for her expertise and creativity.

During nap times, she rediscovered her love for blogging, sharing her experiences as a new mom.

But Suzi's journey didn't end there. As her family grew, so did her ambition.

She saw the potential in helping other moms navigate the world of blogging, and with her unique blend of tech knowledge, teaching skills, and time management expertise.

Suzi launched "Start a Mom Blog". As we’ll see in the case study, it’s a resource hub for moms like Suzi, offering clear, easy-to-follow guidance on creating and growing successful blogs.

It resonated deeply.

Moms, juggling a thousand tasks, found comfort and support in Suzi's efficient and actionable strategies.

Starting the blog wasn't as easy as Suzi expected. She had to learn how to balance her time between her family and her blog, especially when she was expecting another baby.

But Suzi was determined. With a lot of hard work and some clever strategies, Suzi's blog became a big hit.

It's inspiring to see that Suzi used similar skills to what we teach for free at Max Business School, which helped her business grow.

This shows that certain principles for achieving business success are universal.

This is just a glimpse into Suzi's inspiring journey.

If you're curious to learn more about her success secrets and how you can leverage the power of blogging, stay tuned for the full case study, where we'll delve deeper into her strategies and more.

Case Study Analysis
(Available Free Until: 15/03/24)

What does this online business do? 🚀

This specialized blog is dedicated to providing valuable content and resources for mothers who are passionate about blogging.

Blogs that prioritize their clients are likely to thrive as they prioritize the reader's needs.

In our newsletter today, we will delve into a blog that offers valuable content tailored to a specific audience.

The following sections will discuss its strategies for increasing traffic, boosting sales, offering services, and exceeding expectations.

Are you prepared?

How does this online business make money? 💻

This blog has achieved a total net profit of $37,000 as indicated in its latest income report.

The blog has generated a four-figure monthly income from e-book sales both on its website and other platforms.

Notably, the Ebooks, have been a hit on the website, bringing in $2,756 from its best-selling ebook.

A clever strategy employed by the blog is bundling its products together, offering clients enticing bonuses.

The second most profitable service offered is a series of online courses designed to educate its students effectively.

With a total of 7 courses hosted on Teachable, the blog demonstrates its expertise in the field.

Acting as a mediator, the website connects clients to the course material on Teachable.

Affiliate marketing significantly contributes to the blog's success, making up three-quarters of the total net profit.

Embedded within the course programs, ebooks, and content are unique affiliate marketing links.

What has this business done well?🔥

Let’s have a look at what drives so much attention to this online blog.

An opt-in tool has led the blog to gain new email subscribers.

This tool has led to numerous subscribers and indirectly markets the niche blog to warm traffic.

In order to access the quiz one would need to enter an authentic email address.

This has helped the blog increase the number of subscribers in its email list.

Its YouTube channel has played a vital role in the blog’s success and reputation

Live webinars are hosted on the platform to keep clients up to date on current and future promotions.

This active YouTube channel also provides helpful tips on how to start earning as a mother.

As seen below, the channel has relatively short videos for its clients to watch, for inspiration and education.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

Here are some areas the blog can improve on:

Instagram Growth:

The blog has a social media presence on prominent platforms, to grow its reputation and link its social media audience to the website.

Sadly it has not been consistent with its Instagram profile.

Data from Not Just Analytics reveal the average video views and comments per post.

Currently, the blog has close to 10,000 followers, and potential clients that can earn the blog more income.

The blog used to send helpful content, such as mom blog features whereby the post would be a testimony of a happy client.

With the potential the blog has coupled with a consistent posting strategy and good account management, the blog can see a great rise in traffic from its Instagram account.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Opt-in Tools for Growth: Use opt-in quizzes or forms to grow your email list. This engages interested readers directly, increasing engagement and potential conversions.

  • YouTube for Brand Reach: A dynamic YouTube channel with webinars and tutorials can expand your brand's visibility. Multimedia content keeps your audience engaged and informed.

  • Warm Traffic Through Email: Convert casual visitors to subscribers by offering valuable content in exchange for their email. This creates a base of interested followers more likely to engage with your offerings.

  • Consistent Social Media Activity: Maintain a regular posting schedule on your Socials with engaging content to boost visibility and engagement. A strategic approach can turn your social media accounts into a significant traffic source.

Suzi's story is one of determination and passion.

She turned her naptime hobby into a thriving business - Start A Mom Blog - proving that with the right blend of skills, dedication, and a genuine desire to help others, even the busiest moms can achieve extraordinary things.

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Scott Max