Case Study👉 How YOU Can Make $600K/Year With a Stickers Store

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with TikTok for Business

Hi 👋, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

Let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • An annual revenue amounting to $600k

  • An illustration of a multiplatform strategy

  • Guiding steps to constructing a similar business

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

Get your business discovered on TikTok!

Maximize ROI with TikTok for Business, reaching your most relevant audience and expanding your reach to new audiences in 20+ markets worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, TikTok offers a fast setup tailored to every level of expertise. Plus, their flexible budget options ensure that businesses of all sizes can leverage the power of TikTok's platform to grow and thrive.

The What 🚀

Hold on tight as we embark on an exhilarating journey into the vibrant realm of sticker e-commerce!

Brace yourself to uncover the secrets of an extraordinary online platform that rakes in a staggering $600,000 in annual revenue.

But hey, this isn't your run-of-the-mill sticker shop. It's a thrilling adventure that caters to both sticker aficionados and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Discover a diverse collection of captivating sticker designs that cater to various tastes and interests.

From trendy and fashionable styles to specialized themes, this website provides an extensive selection of visually appealing stickers that allows you to stay organized.

But this business goes beyond mere sales.

They're here to empower you, guiding you through the enchanting process of sticker creation and setting up your own store.

Whether you're a sticker enthusiast or aspiring entrepreneur, you can gain valuable knowledge and skills to transform your passion into a profitable venture.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of this sticker e-commerce business and analyze its revenue generation methods and strategies.

The How 💻

This sticker e-commerce business employs a variety of revenue generation methods to drive its success and profitability.

Let's explore the key strategies that contribute to its financial achievements:

Selling stickers through their Etsy store:

One of the primary avenues for generating revenue is the business's presence on Etsy.

By leveraging the platform's extensive reach and targeted audience, this business showcases and sells a diverse range of captivating stickers.

With an appealing assortment of designs, themes, and styles, customers can easily browse and purchase their desired stickers, contributing to a steady stream of sales.

Offering an “8-step plan to sticker shop success”:

Recognizing the potential in empowering aspiring entrepreneurs, this business has developed an informative and comprehensive guide called the "8-Step Plan to Sticker Shop Success."

This resource serves as a valuable asset for individuals interested in starting their own sticker businesses.

Through this plan, the business monetizes its expertise by providing step-by-step instructions, valuable insights, and proven strategies to help others establish and grow successful sticker ventures.

Providing a course to learn to make stickers:

Diversifying their revenue streams, this sticker e-commerce business offers a specialized course that teaches individuals the art of sticker creation.

By sharing their knowledge and expertise in the form of a structured learning program, they enable aspiring sticker makers to develop essential skills, techniques, and industry insights.

This course serves as an additional source of revenue while also establishing the business as a trusted authority in the sticker-making community.

By capitalizing on multiple avenues, this business ensures a robust revenue flow while simultaneously fostering the growth and development of sticker enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.

The Why 🔥

This sticker e-commerce business has strategically implemented various practices that contribute to its exceptional success and recognition within the industry.

Let's delve into the reasons behind their accomplishments:

Choosing Etsy as a selling platform:

Opting to sell their stickers on Etsy was a savvy decision for this business.

Etsy provides a dedicated marketplace for handmade and unique items, attracting a targeted audience interested in supporting independent artists and crafters.

By aligning their products with Etsy's platform, this business taps into a vast customer base of sticker enthusiasts, maximizing their visibility, sales potential, and brand exposure.

Providing free resources:

A key aspect of this business's approach is their commitment to offering free resources to their audience.

They provide free classes and a Sticker-Making Kit, allowing individuals to learn and engage with sticker-making techniques without any financial barrier.

This generosity builds trust, fosters brand loyalty, and positions them as a go-to resource for aspiring sticker makers, ultimately driving engagement and potential future sales.

Catering to diverse needs with multiple categories:

Recognizing that sticker preferences vary among consumers, this business smartly caters to a wide range of needs by offering numerous categories of planner stickers.

Whether it's decorative planner stickers, functional planner stickers, or specialized designs, they provide an extensive selection that appeals to different tastes and purposes.

This broad offering increases the chances of attracting and satisfying a larger customer base.

Decent SEO and interlinking between platforms:

With a decent SEO traffic of 4.6K and targeting 10.9k organic keywords, this business has implemented an effective search engine optimization strategy.

They have also established a strong interlinking system between their three platforms: the Etsy store, a blog, and a personal branding website.

This cohesive approach enhances their online presence, boosts discoverability, and fosters a seamless user experience, allowing customers to navigate between platforms and access valuable content effortlessly.

Gained industry recognition:

Through her exceptional work, the owner has earned fame within the industry, earning the title "the planner sticker girl."

This recognition highlights her expertise, quality products, and dedication to the sticker community.

Such recognition not only boosts her credibility but also increases their visibility, leading to enhanced brand reputation and customer trust.

Paid membership for pre-made sticker templates:

To provide an added value proposition, this business offers a paid membership that grants access to pre-made sticker templates, enabling customers to create professional-looking stickers in minutes.

This premium offering appeals to sticker enthusiasts seeking convenience and time-saving solutions, generating an additional revenue stream while catering to the specific needs of their target audience.

Active Facebook group and social media presence:

The business maintains an engaged and supportive community through their Facebook group.

This platform serves as a space for their audience to find support, access classes, explore new products, and enjoy exclusive offers.

In addition to the Facebook group, the business maintains a strong social media presence, leveraging platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest to showcase their products, engage with customers, and expand their reach within the sticker community.

Testimonials and Reviews:

Testimonials and reviews play a crucial role in building trust and credibility for this business.

By encouraging customers to share their experiences and feedback about their products and services, they showcase the positive impact they have made.

Displaying these testimonials prominently on their website helps potential customers see the satisfaction of previous buyers.

Diversity of Income with E-books and Affiliate Marketing:

To expand the revenue streams and monetize their expertise, this business offers e-books that provide in-depth guidance on sticker-making and creating a successful sticker shop.

These e-books serve as valuable resources for customers seeking comprehensive knowledge and guidance in the industry.

Additionally, they explore affiliate marketing opportunities by collaborating with complementary businesses in their niche.

Through recommending relevant products and earning commissions on sales generated through referral links, they diversify their income and leverage partnerships to expand their reach.

Podcast presence:

Recognizing the power of audio content, this business has ventured into podcasting.

Through their podcast, they share insights, tips, and interviews related to the personal development, business, planning, and stickers obviously.

This medium allows them to connect with their audience on a deeper level, and showcase their expertise.

Good Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

This sticker e-commerce business excels in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Their website is designed with strategically placed CTAs that guide visitors towards making purchases, subscribing to their services, or accessing valuable resources.

The intuitive layout and attention to user experience contribute to higher conversion rates and customer engagement.

To improve website performance, the business ensures optimal loading times, smooth navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

These factors contribute to a seamless browsing experience, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversions.

Additionally, the business leverages the power of discounts as part of their CRO strategy.

They strategically use limited-time offers, seasonal promotions, and exclusive discounts to entice visitors and incentivize them to make a purchase.

By prominently displaying these discounts and creating a sense of urgency, they create a compelling reason for customers to take action and complete their purchases.

The Opportunities 🔥🔥🔥

While this business has achieved success, they can attain even greater success by implementing the following recommendations.

Expand into additional e-commerce platforms:

While Etsy has proven to be a successful selling platform, expanding their presence to other e-commerce platforms such as Amazon Handmade, eBay, or Shopify can open up new sales channels and reach a broader customer base.

Diversifying their online presence allows them to capture customers who prefer different platforms or who may not be aware of their products on Etsy.

Offer personalized sticker services: 

Introducing a personalized sticker service where customers can request custom designs or customized stickers for special occasions, events, or personal branding can be a lucrative revenue stream.

By leveraging their expertise in sticker design, they can cater to the growing demand for personalized and unique products, providing customers with tailored solutions that set them apart from competitors.

Create a loyalty program:

Implementing a loyalty program that rewards customers for repeat purchases, referrals, and engagement can incentivize customer loyalty and drive increased sales.

Offering exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or special perks to loyal customers can help foster long-term relationships and encourage repeat business.

The Big Reveal 👀

Unveiling the creative genius behind this thriving sticker e-commerce empire: Mim Jenkinson, widely known as "the planner sticker girl".

With an unwavering passion for planning and sticker-making, Mim has become a prominent figure in the industry, captivating thousands with her expertise and empowering others to unleash their creative potential.

Through her blog LoveFromMim, personal branding website MimJenkinson, and acclaimed Etsy store PaperPlannerClub, Mim has revolutionized the world of stickers.

Her 5-star Etsy shop offers a stunning collection of stickers, while her personal branding website serves as a valuable resource hub for aspiring sticker-makers and creative entrepreneurs.

Mim's dedication and innovative techniques have guided over 5,000 individuals on their sticker-making journey.

With her infectious passion, expertise, and dedication, Mim is transforming the world of stickers and helping others turn their creative dreams into reality.

Whether you're a seasoned planner addict or a creative enthusiast, Mim's guidance will empower you to create remarkable stickers that stand out and bring your artistic vision to life.

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

  • Choose the right platform: The success of a sticker e-commerce business lies in selecting the right platform to sell your products. Consider popular marketplaces like Etsy, which provide a ready-made audience and a supportive community of buyers and sellers.

  • Provide valuable resources: Offering free resources such as classes, tutorials, or starter kits can attract and engage potential customers. By providing value upfront, you build trust, establish yourself as an authority in the industry, and create a loyal customer base.

  • Cater to diverse needs: By diversifying your product categories, you can appeal to a broader audience and cater to various customer preferences. Expand your sticker offerings to meet different themes, styles, or purposes, allowing you to capture a larger market share.

  • Optimize your online presence: Implement effective SEO strategies to drive organic traffic to your website and product listings. Leverage interlinking between different platforms, such as your Etsy store, blog, and personal branding website, to enhance visibility and create a cohesive online presence.

  • Cultivate a strong community: Foster engagement and support by creating platforms where your audience can connect, learn, and share experiences. Whether it's through a Facebook group, podcast, or social media channels, building a community around your brand can generate leads, increase customer loyalty, and drive sales.

  • Monetize expertise: Explore additional revenue streams by sharing your knowledge and expertise. Offer paid memberships, courses, or e-books that provide exclusive access to advanced techniques, templates, or insider tips, allowing customers to take their sticker-making skills to the next level.

  • Leverage testimonials and reviews: Use customer testimonials and positive reviews to build social proof and instill confidence in potential buyers. Showcase the positive experiences and satisfaction of your customers to enhance your brand reputation and encourage new sales.

  • Explore affiliate marketing: Collaborate with complementary businesses to promote each other's products through affiliate marketing. By partnering with relevant brands, you can expand your reach, tap into new audiences, and generate additional revenue through referral commissions.

  • Embrace CRO and website performance: Implement Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) techniques such as effective Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons and ensure optimal website performance. Streamline the user experience, guide visitors towards desired actions, and enhance website speed and functionality to improve conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

  • Seek growth opportunities: Continuously seek ways to expand and evolve your business. Explore new product lines, consider strategic partnerships, and embrace emerging trends and technologies in the sticker industry. Stay agile and adapt to changing customer demands to unlock new revenue streams and seize growth opportunities.

Action Steps, From Day 0 To ∞ 👩‍💻

So, you will have your own website, hosting account, and a good grasp of digital marketing fundamentals if you are a student/graduate of Max Business School.

If not, get started here, it’s totally free and will teach you all the skills you need to build yourself a business (and the freedom it provides you) similar to the one we’ve analyzed today.

Day 0

You’ve read this email and love this particular business model and/or niche.

If not, we'll be sending more ideas in our next email or check our archive here.

If yes;

Consider if this is a business you can happily commit to for 3-5 years?

If yes;

Is it a customer/topic/day-to-day activity you can't get passionate about?

If yes;

Would starting this business cause you to lose focus on the business that you are currently building?

If yes, don’t do it.

Focus on building what you have and take lessons from my analysis above to implement them into your current business.

But if not, then move to day 1.

Day 1

  • Choose Your Passionate Niche: Start by identifying a niche that aligns with your interests and has market demand. Consider your hobbies, expertise, and what excites you the most. This will help you stay motivated throughout the journey.

  • Conduct Market Research: Use market research tools, such as Ahrefs, to analyze your chosen niche. Research competitors, their prices, unique selling propositions, and target audience. Gain insights into market trends, consumer preferences, and potential opportunities to differentiate your business.

  • Create a Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your mission, goals, target audience, pricing strategy, and marketing plan. Define your brand identity and value proposition that sets you apart. Remember, a well-thought-out plan serves as a roadmap for success.

  • Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider: Register your domain name and choose a hosting provider known for its performance, reliability, and customer support. Ensure that your hosting provider offers the necessary features and scalability to support your ecommerce store. Make the most of our exclusive offer and enjoy a seamless and hassle-free hosting experience with DreamHost, our top recommendation.

Day 2

  • Set Up Your Ecommerce Store: Utilize WordPress with WooCommerce to set up your online store. Customize the design, layout, and branding to create a visually appealing and user-friendly shopping experience.

  • Content Creation and Marketing: Develop a content marketing strategy that educates and engages your target audience. Use blog posts, social media, videos, and email newsletters to provide valuable insights, tips, and relevant information. Consider using Ahrefs to identify content opportunities and optimize your website for search engines.

  • Harness the Power of Social Media: Create compelling social media profiles on platforms frequented by your target audience. Share engaging content, interact with followers, and build a community around your brand. Consider influencer collaborations and promotions to expand your reach.

Day 3 to ∞

  • Continuously Track Performance: Use analytics tools to monitor website traffic, conversions, and customer behavior. Analyze the data to optimize your website, marketing campaigns, and product offerings. Regularly assess your business metrics and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Provide Exceptional Customer Experience: Focus on delivering outstanding customer service by promptly responding to inquiries, providing detailed product information, and resolving any issues. Personalize interactions and build long-term relationships to foster customer loyalty.

  • Continual Learning and Professional Development: Invest in your knowledge and skills by attending industry conferences, joining relevant communities, and participating in webinars or courses. Stay updated on the latest industry trends, marketing strategies, and ecommerce best practices. This ongoing education will help you stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve your business.

Before You Go 👋

Thank you for reading.

In my next email, I’ll have another business breakdown for you.

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

If you are ready to get started with your own business, one of the first steps is always a website. Click here for our exclusive hosting deal and click here for an invite to our Max Business School community where you’ll hang out with thousands of fellow ambitious business builders.

Remember to check out the classroom tab (top left corner) for all of our free courses teaching you all you need to succeed online.

Bye for now,

Scott Max