Case Study👉 How YOU Can Reach $10K/Mo Through Mastering Food Blogging and SEO

The Scott Max Newsletter

In Partnership with AE Studio

Hi đź‘‹, this is the Scott Max newsletter. The daily newsletter bringing you one step closer to your own thriving online business.

We analyze a wonderful, small, online business each week with a full breakdown of how it makes money, why it makes money, and its opportunities to grow. Below that, we give you the action steps to build a business like this to create freedom for yourself.

This is the best way to learn the tactics, skillset, and nuance of making money online.

Let’s get to the good stuff you'll see in this email:

  • A thriving online business making a steady income.

  • Unique techniques enable this business to stand out in its niche and achieve success.

  • A guide to setting up a business for yourself!

But first, let me introduce our partner for this email,

AE Studio

Your Ultimate Partner for Unlocking Success!

Join forces with AE's world-class team for unrivaled business growth.

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What does this online business do? 🚀

For this today’s newsletter, we will analyze a Blog about how to make simple and quick meals, mainly looking at how it drives traffic and how it makes a monthly income.

From air fryer recipes to holiday meals and diet-specific dishes, this blog offers the ideal meal for your taste.

It is a simple blog focused on giving very easy-to-make meals that can be prepared in a few minutes.

Its target market comprises busy dads, single moms, and busy professionals or students who want to eat healthy food.

In doing so, the blog celebrates a steady flow of $10,000 per month.

Helpful blogs like this deserve more traffic and income, in my opinion.

However, let us have a closer look at how the online business is managed and its strategies to achieve growth

We will also pay attention to what we can learn from this blog and address how it can be improved

How does this online business make money? đź’»

According to their monthly income reports, the blog makes most of its revenue through Affiliate commissions on behalf of well-known businesses.

It is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to help sites earn a commission from advertising and marketing.

The blog’s best seller under their affiliate program for Amazon is the Airfryer.

A popular easy to use and fast-to-cook gadget that they promote in a number of their recipes.

Notably, the blog also makes a steady income from Advertising networks.

It has used Adthrive, which designs unique ad layouts for websites based on goals, site layout, and reader behaviour.

Earning high from advertising is achieved when a blog witnesses a high volume of traffic.

What has this business done well?🔥

In this section, we will discuss the positives that make the blog a success.

Resourceful material related to the blog niche is one of the main contributors to its success.

The blog has displayed a well-structured website that is organized according to categories and recipes.

Organic Search Traffic to directly cater to specific demographics. As mentioned in one of the blog’s financial reports, its primary objective is to reach out to mainly American audiences.

The blog has completely relied on organic search traffic, which is very impressive for the blog to tackle.

According to its records, 78% of its overall traffic is organic.

Good Social Media Presence, that showcases the blog’s catalogue, recipes, and a few personal touches.

The use of Instagram and TikTok to display what the blog is about is a very resourceful marketing tactic.

Helpful content is always an added advantage over your competitors in the same industry or niche as your online business.

The blog’s Facebook page.

It caters to your visitors' individual needs. A strong approach to the quality of the content will be the main reason visitors come and stay, might I even add that it also brings them back too.

This is a good example of a well-structured website, in relation to content creation and relevant material.

Its SEO strategy has proven successful in driving more traffic to the online blog.

With an average monthly traffic of 162K visitors and targeting just over 94K keywords, this company demonstrates a solid SEO strategy.

Its effective SEO strategy has enabled them to achieve high rankings in search engine results.

This generates consistent organic traffic, which can be potential loyal clients

The data from Ahrefs clearly reflects this in a simple way to understand.

Backlink and referring domains are reasonably high for a simple good blog.

What this business could improve?🔥🔥🔥

Here are some areas the blog can improve on:

Offer extra services:

The aim of a functional online business is to provide a service/product that leaves its ideal client satisfied.

In this case, the blog has done an exceptional job by giving readers recipes and content about food, however, the blog can go even further and offer extra services.

Some good suggestions may include hosting course programs.

This is a missed opportunity, as course creation and hosting is an ever-growing niche, that has gradually grown in the last decade.

According to statistics, two in five people prefer online education over traditional education.

This is another reason the blog should consider hosting a course program.

These could range from short to long in length, beginner-friendly and advanced, the blog can even earn an extra income from its courses.

The Reveal, check this online business out for yourself đź‘€

In truth, the blog owes much of its reputation to Emmeline, the founder of Always Use Butter. Which is a blog created to share her passion for food, and pursue a passive income.

She started the blog in 2018 because she realized that from helping her small circle of friends that there are many more people in the world looking for her hidden talent.

Which is to come up with quick, simple, and delicious recipes for always-on-the-run busy people.

Her experience from college to a busy corporate career taught her that just because you do not have much time to cook food does not mean you should not enjoy a good meal.

Do you agree?

The Takeaway, What We Learned 🎓

This simple blog has managed to secure some positive practices, such as:

  • Addressing a common need and fulfilling it while saving your clients time and money is a profitable strategy for any business model.

  • Tailor design your content to entice visitors to purchase your products from your affiliate program will earn you a commission and serve effectively. Your affiliate marketing program will grow because of this strategy

  • Having your Social Media profiles pose as advertising and marketing agents is another resourceful way of reaching a large audience.

Action Steps if you’d like to start a business like this… 👩‍💻

If you’re already up and running with an online business, keep with it and try to implement some of the lessons you might have found in this email.

You’ll learn all the fundamental skills to build an online income like the one we did a case study on in this email.

Here’s what to expect:

Week 1 - Fundamentals

In this week, you will establish a solid digital marketing foundation. The focus will be on personal branding, but the concepts apply to other business models as well. You will explore:

  • WordPress Website Development: Learn to create a professional and user-friendly website using WordPress, a powerful and widely-used platform for various online businesses.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Understand the basics of SEO to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic to their websites.

  • Web Analytics: Discover how to analyze website data using tools like Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into user behaviour and make data-driven decisions.

Week 2 - How to start a business

In this week you will delve into expanding the online presence and driving traffic to your website. You will get to learn about:

  • Email Marketing: Understand the importance of building an email list and learn effective email marketing strategies to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Dive into the world of paid advertising and explore techniques to run successful ad campaigns on search engines like Google.

Week 3 - How to grow a business

The final week will focus on harnessing the power of social media platforms for business growth. You will discover:

  • Social Media Marketing: Discover how to develop and implement social media strategies to engage with the target audience and build brand loyalty.

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: Explore advanced advertising techniques on these popular platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Before You Go đź‘‹

Thank you for reading.

In my next email, I’ll have another business breakdown for you.

Remember, if you know someone who might like this newsletter, sharing is caring.

If you are ready to get started with your own business, one of the first steps is always a website. Click here for our exclusive hosting deal and click here for an invite to our Max Business School community where you’ll hang out with thousands of fellow ambitious business builders.

Remember to check out the classroom tab (top left corner) for all of our free courses teaching you all you need to succeed online.

Bye for now,

Scott Max